The Void.

Are you in touch with the void inside of you?

Personally I think that everyone has a deep void inside of themselves, a void that we are born with and coming with that, an urge to fill that void with whatever what can fill it…

And then there’s that Void that comes forth when we experience abandonment in some form from our parents or other important figures in our childhood.

How can you fill this void?

This is my point of view of where addictions come from, we have this urge to fill this void and so to NOT feel it… One tries to fill this Void with al different kinds of temporary feelings and emotions. For example stuffing yourselves with food, candy or chocolate. Or by drinking and making yourself forget just for a little time.

Smoking is another example, are you getting stressed? Is the feeling of the void, the void of feelings that we are not able to cope with closing in on you? Well just light another cigarette, and another.. And there will probably be a time that is doesn’t sooth you anymore. Then maybe its time for something stronger.. What about some weed? That will work for some time, yes!  And so on.. till hard drugs..

Sex is another example, just for some time you will feel good! Well then just have sex again!

So what is this void exactly? I feel the Void is the place where you can really find yourself. But that’s the thing.. Literally there are thousands of reasons and conditions why we cannot really connect with this void inside of us. So much is hidden in the void, especially emotions that we don’t want to feel. Because we shut ourselves down to feel this emotions at all. If it was conscious, then it would be not that hard, but.. that’s the thing, most of it is unconscious! 

I feel the Void takes the place in ourselves that makes us feel separated. Because we wanted to experience duality. So we divided ourselves in two. So the 1 Me who is whole and complete, and this became 2 (Me) (You) which were separated. And then there was the duality. And in order to feel complete we needed the connection with the other. Many lifetimes we did it like that and we experienced duality in all its form and flows.

But now its the time for change, because we are going back to unity and the duality method doesn’t work that well for our true selves. So the formula of (Me) (you) unity has changed and we cannot find the true fulfilment in a external partner. (only temporary) And the formula has changed into : (Me) (Void) And we feel separation because there’s an Void that needs to be filled in order to feel complete.

So what’s the Solution? It’s easy said: The Void is an illusion, If you can see and feel that this Void is just holding the space for the other you that’s inside of you.. Then The formula (Me) (Void) becomes  (Me) ( The other Me) and then you can see that the whole thing about the Void was a imaginary Fluffy balloon that looked so badass that you wouldn’t think twice of touching or even entering it! And even if you did dare to touch it, all these old defence mechanisms would become active! That would activate the urge inside of you to fill it up with whatever floats your boat! So what is hidden in the Void? its just me, its just you..

Try to fill this void with yourself, the part of you that you hid to experience duality.

So to be honest the Void is just a major fantastic illusion! Can you see it? The illusion isn’t real.. But as with all illusions, when you can’t see it and you are right in the middle of it and having a tough time.. Then it’s very real..

For those people who are having a hard time.. Stay strong and soft and try to get more conscious about your addictions, negative patterns and urges. And just know and I hope you will feel it very soon.. That there’s Light at the end of the tunnel. And at the end of the tunnel that light? That’s another me, another you as well..

Lots of Love,
